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Our current programme:

Leading, Teaching and Learning Together

The programme on Leading, Learning and Teaching Together (LT)2 is a five-year programme under the umbrella of the Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). It is implemented by VVOB in partnership with the Rwanda Education Board (REB) and the University of Rwanda - College of Education (URCE).

Past Projects and Programmes

Since 2003, VVOB has been actively promoting quality education in Rwanda through a variety of programmes and projects, including:

  • 2014-2016: Learning outcomes in Primary Education (LOPE) Programme
  • 2013-2015: Innovation for Education project on Coaching School Leadership to Achieve High Level Learning Outcomes
  • 2010-2015: Belgian Common TVET Support Programme (PAFP)
  • 2003-2012: Promoting effective School Management of secondary schools


On this website we collect publications and other resources related to our current and past activities.