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On 17 August, the EU and VVOB officially signed the agreement of their cooperation on improving inclusive teaching in primary schools in South Africa. Through five activities, the EU, VVOB and local partners will support the teacher education system in equipping (student) teachers with the necessary skills to identify and address barriers to learning experienced by young learners in primary schools, ensuring a quality education for all.

Empowering teachers and learners

Enrolment rates of South African children in primary schools are high, yet learning outcomes are low compared to other (including less developed) countries. Children who experience barriers to learning – be it a disability or linked to their race, gender, class or origin – are especially at risk of being left behind.

The role of teachers in identifying these children at the earliest possible stage and intervening appropriately is crucial. The project will improve the quality of teacher education to embed the existing inclusive education policy which already exists, but whose implementation is lagging behind.

VVOB will lead and coordinate this project, with support from the EU. We are joining forces with Inclusive Education South Africa and with local universities that offer teacher education, namely the University of Witwatersrand, North-West University and University of the Free State.

5 actions for inclusive teaching

The project targets the teacher education system in general and student teachers, newly qualified teachers and existing teachers specifically. Together with our co-applicants, we will enable them to teach more inclusively, through five activities in three provinces: Free State, Northern Cape and North West.

First, we will develop a library of Open Education Resources on inclusive teaching, freely available and widely communicated to all in the teacher education system. Second, the universities will organise national symposia and working groups to work towards a common approach to inclusive education. Thirdly, we will develop, organise and evaluate a pilot induction programme for new teachers and a pilot mentoring programme for mentors. Fourthly, we will pilot professional learning communities as a sustainable model for continued professional development for teachers and principals. Lastly, the universities will conduct evidence-based research on teacher development for inclusive education.

Through these activities, VVOB, the EU and partners will strengthen the South African basic education system over the next three years to ensure quality education for all young learners, including those experiencing barriers to learning.