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"It is just another hot day in Cambodia. We are taken for a visit to Kork Rormeat lower secondary school in Kandal Province, Cambodia. This is one of the schools where we will observe some lessons of teachers who have benefited from the SEAL programme.

Upon arrival Robert and I are completely overwhelmed, when two girls hand each of us a beautiful bunch of flowers. One teacher says she will run off to get ‘eyes’ for her lesson. We look at each other puzzled, but surely we will find out later what that is for. When we arrive in the teachers’ staff room, we are warmly welcomed by the Director and some teachers. They serve us young coconuts with a straw to drink the fresh juice (very refreshing), as well as a whole bunch of bananas. They say only good things about VVOB and are very eager to proof that to us. And so they do!

We observe two nearly perfect lessons in which the teachers are eager to show us what they have learnt. One of the lessons is about vaporisation. The teacher uses the poster made by VVOB to explain the concept of vaporisation and then the children start doing experiments in groups using cookers to vaporate ice (ah that’s what she meant!). It is a pleasure to see how much fun the children have doing the experiment. Here is a teacher who has really understood the concept of TPACK, in which she uses tools (T) such as a poster and cookers, combined with groupwork (Pedagogical) to teach the concept of vaporisation (Content) in a perfect blend.

This is clearly one school from which we can see just how much VVOB is appreciated by its partners and we leave with a warm feeling."

Leonie Meijerink, VVOB Zambia

Photo: Robert Chipimbi (VVOB Zimbabwe) enjoying his coconut drink

Outtake from the peer evaluation report 2012 in which Robert Chipimbi (VVOB Zimbabwe) and Leonie Meijerink (VVOB Zambia) audit the operations of VVOB in Cambodia.