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GENE - Global Education Network Europe
Lisbon (Portugal)

Building a World of Justice and Solidarity: Global Education in the School System

This Conference by GENE reflects on the role and potential of Global Education (GE) in formal education systems including national curriculum development, learning assessment, initial teacher education and continuous professional development of teachers, in processes that seek to support the change of school ethos and culture, in policies and national strategies, in higher education, and in the empowerment of students’ voices and relationships between the school and the community.


VVOB and partner VIVES University College participate in one of the parallel workshops in the afternoon, 'B4. The world in the school: learning with colleagues from other countries' from 2.30 to 4 pm. eNSPIRED is introduced, our programme which focusses on fostering international dialogue between education systems worldwide on challenges related to equity in education.