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The continuing professional development (CPD) of staff in Zambian colleges of education is critical to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. A baseline study pointed out that the organisation of CPD was not focused and not aligned with other management processes. Not surprisingly this approach was not leading to the improvement of teaching and learning.

The challenge was clearly a complex one that not only required the acquisition of new knowledge but also a change of beliefs.

A common understanding was created by describing what high quality teaching and learning means. This resulted in a Teaching and Learning Policy, endorsed by the Ministry. Another major step was the self-evaluation carried out by the colleges which resulted in the identification of perceived good practices and key areas for improvement. Colleges then developed concrete action plans to address the priorities. The plans included CPD activities necessary to achieve the set goals. The colleges were assisted and guided in the planning process by a coaching team, with representatives from Ministry, university, a peer college and VVOB.

Colleges received VVOB support for realising their action plans. In 2010, they reviewed and reflected on their plans. The partnership with the ‘Leadership and Learning Center’ (USA) further built capacity on leadership and planning practices.

The initiated processes have contributed to better planning in the colleges. Beliefs of effective CPD have not only drastically changed but have also been institutionalised.

VVOB will further strengthen the initiated structures and processes while simultaneously working on creating a supportive environment at the colleges. We believe that strengthening the leadership at the colleges will be pivotal and that continuing this journey will contribute to the individual and college capacity to continuously improve the quality.

Lieve Leroy
Programme advisor CPD, VVOB Zambia